

之前看过一个美国宠物医生讲的,说巧克力的危害主要是在可可碱以及咖啡因上。 不同品种的可可含量不同,所以不同品种的巧克力对宠物的毒性作用也不一样。 按照这个说法,如果是黑巧克力的话,毒性的强弱应该和可可的含量有关(虽然我也没见过具体的数据)。

1. Lollipop (hard and soft)-> 40% cocoa content: can be fatal for dogs at 3 oz, but usually results in vomiting, diarrhea or even a seizure.

2. Milk chocolate -> 15–25 percent cocoa : may cause seizures & depression within hours of ingestion;a severe reaction is possible with large doses.

3. White/bittersweet chocolate -> 35 to 50 percent cocoa: similar to bitter taste of dark chocolate, this one seems less toxic than the other two. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends that only "very small amounts" should be eaten as they contain caffeine and are not necessarily safe for pets.

4. Milk-chocolate covered pretzels: these have been known to make some animals sick, says Dr. Mark Stehlin, an emergency veterinarian at Mercy Veterinary Center in St.Louis. He warns owners against letting their dog eat any type of candy——even raisins wrapped in chocolate will likely cause illness since many candies contain high levels of sugar. And even if there's no signs of poisoning right away, it doesn't always show up until later on, so watch out!!


不知道,但是不能喂的, 吃下去会吐出来吗? 我家的小狗,小时候刚到家的时候特别爱咬我鞋带,我就把一个没拆封的费列罗巧克力放到了她的嘴里,她尝了以后马上吐出来了,还吐了一点粘液,好像很苦的样子, 然后她就不再碰我的鞋子,再也没有碰过我的鞋子,也没有再去闻一闻。

