

关于狗芯片,可以看看这个视频 视频是2011年的,最近才找到。 现在国内做狗芯片的公司很多,技术也很成熟,成本很低。比如上海芯超生物技术有限公司(Xintec),做动物(猪、鸡)芯片的厂家之一。他们网站有介绍: 这是他们公司发的专利文献: 还有报道说,南京农业大学与江苏新基动物保健股份有限公司合作研发了兽用微芯片,已经在部分猪场试点应用,并取得了良好效果。 目前还不清楚南京农大研发的兽用微芯片和Xintec公司的犬猫芯片是否一样?是否有区别? Xintec公司网站上也有关于犬猫芯片的介绍,但很简短,估计是2011年之后的事。

以下是从Xintec公司网站上摘录来的产品简介(英文版): Microchip for Companion Animal The C-Chip is a tiny integrated circuit chip containing information such as breed, date of birth and owner’s contact details. It is implanted under the animal's skin between its shoulder blades and will remain there for life, giving owners the option to trace their pet in case it gets lost or stolen by taking the tag number (a five digit PIN code printed on the back ) to an authorized microchip scanner which can be found at most veterinary practices, pet shops etc. Each Chip has been individually coded with no two chips being alike like human fingerprints , providing added security against cloned or unauthorised identification numbers if ever they become available. An important feature of this product is that once implanted it requires neither power supply nor wireless connection; therefore eliminating any possibility of electromagnetic interference. In addition, our unique design provides protection from potential damage caused when animals scratch and groom, ensuring continued effective operation throughout the lifetime of the animal. This product meets all applicable European regulations and standards including ISO/TS 16872:2005 and EN 1176 :2003 and we are currently working towards U.S.A compliance. For more detailed technical specifications please go through our technical data sheet below Our new companion animal chips have now been manufactured using the latest technology, offering improved longevity over previous generations. These chips use low-level passive signals transmitted continuously but non-permanently, so that they can always be detected even after many years without power source or recharging. If you require further information regarding these products please do not hesitate


我在研究 动物信息识别系统,主要研究的对象是狗(目前)。这个系统的应用前景主要在宠物市场、流浪犬处理和缉毒等,所以有很高的社会价值和经济意义。这个项目是由我负责开发的,我的研究方向是这个项目的核心部分之一-电子标签(电子芯片)的制作技术。 这个项目得到了教育部科技处的支持。我们现在已经完成了初步的研究,在2018年4月份通过了教育部组织的鉴定验收,结论为“该成果达到国际先进水平”;今年5月29日获得了教育部科技奖三等奖。
